... ves/23600/2012年會員限定版玩具(改模換色和異色版)消息這消息當作參考看看,建議看第二個網址看看,
內容如下:Metalhawk (Generations THUNDERWING repaint with new head)
Gigatron (Overlord) (Revenge of the Fallen BLUDGEON repaint with new head) -- already confirmed!
Octopunch (Hunt for the Decepticons SEA SPRAY repaint with new head)
Spinister (Hunt for the Decepticons TOMAHAWK repaint)
Treadshot (Reveal The Shield JAZZ repaint)
Kick Off (Reveal The Shield JAZZ repaint)
SG Tracks (Reveal The Shield TRACKS red repaint) -- already confirmed!
SG Ultra Magnus (Reveal the Shield G2 OPTIMUS PRIME repaint)
SG Soundwave (Universe IRONHIDE repaint with new head)
SG Junkions (possibly Wreck-Gar, Junkheap, and Scrapheap done in Insecticon colors)
SG Swindle (Universe HOUND, this one strikes me as possibly incorrect because of how similar Swindle would be to BotCon 2011 Turbomaster and because
of the gang molded Ravage)