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Ranting To Release Some Pent-Up on my Chest (after seeing the hollow abs of this KO Oversized G1 toy): 不要一直整天(或盲目跟从)的在喊: “ 偷胶!! 偷胶!! 偷胶!! 偷胶!!" 了!!!!!! (评测)玩具的设计(我觉得)应该着重于好玩性,耐度,美观等等, 而不应该是一味的,盲目的只说着偷胶偷胶... 算了... It's really getting a bit on my nerves to keep hearing comments on this as these people gives an impression that any toys with 偷胶 is worst toy ever and it (or sometimes Hasbro) should be condemned to hell, and Hasbro should be branded evil, 没良心, heartless, etc etc... Its only a toy, so just enjoy it!!! Hahahaha... Having say that, I am NOT standing in the side that 偷胶 is 100% recommended or/and should be more (I believe some people may think this way if I don't make the earlier statement)... I am also disappointed with some of such design, e.g. TR Skullsmasher's hollow legs, but will it be good to move on and actually also enjoy playing the toy? Maybe... Hahahahahahahahaha...